뷰티서플라이업계 김일선 사장(Kim· Ilson Miriam·64·Beauty Max·Jacksonville·FL)이 지난 6일 밤 자신의 매장 인근 도로에서 도둑의 차량 전방을 막아서다가 도둑의 차에 치여 사망했다고 지역 언론이 보도했다.
경찰에 따르면 적어도 세 명의 용의자가 연루되었다고 한다. 두 명은 가게에 들어갔고 한 명은 도주 차량 운전석에 있었는데, 용의자 중 한 명은 도난당한 물품을 가지고 차에 탔고, 세 번째 용의자는 걸어서 도망갔다는 것이다.
현지 언론은 “가게가 이미 좀도둑질 문제를 여러 차례 겪고 있었다”는 고인의 남편의 얘기와 함께 “이번에는 마침내 피해자가 용의자를 쫓아가기로 한 것 같다”고 이웃 비즈니스 경영주의 얘기를 전했다. 가족들은 “고인은 인생의 대부분을 남편과 함께 일했고, 뷰티 맥스는 고인이 독립적으로 소유한 첫 번째 사업이었다”고 한다. 그런데 “어떤 고객은 심지어 고인이 죽은 다음 날에도 가게에서 물건을 훔치는 뻔뻔함을 보였다”고 가족들은 덧붙였다.
잭슨빌 지역 뷰티서플라이 한 경영주에 의하면 “김 사장 부부는 2년 전 이 가게를 매입해 뉴욕에서 이주했다”며, 이 가게가 위치한 지역은 일부 히스패닉계를 제외하고는 주로 백인 거주지역으로 비교적 안전한 곳이라고 말했다.
By Beauty Times
Ilson Miriam Kim, 64, owner of Beauty Max, Jacksonville, FL. was reportedly killed while trying to stop shopliftersat her beauty supply store, leaving behind two daughters and a husband just weeks before Christmas.
According to the local news, Kim was trying to stop two thieves at her store in the evening on Dec. 6 before the shoplifters fatally ran her over with their vehicle.
“Two individuals entered into the business, one of the individuals grabbed several items and ran out of the store with those items,” Sgt. Steve Rudlaff of the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office said “A store employee followed this individual to her car which was ready for this person.”
At least three suspects were involved – two entered the store and one drove the getaway car, Rudlaff told the outlet. One of the suspects got into the car with the items stolen, while the third suspect left on foot.
Ilson Miriam Kim was fatally run over by shoplifters at her beauty supply store.
Kim was taken to the hospital after being hit by the vehicle, but she succumbed to her injuries.
Kim’s husband said the store had already been experiencing a recurring shoplifting problem, but a neighboring business owner said that this time, the victim had finally had enough and decided to take action by chasing after the suspects, according to the local news.
“She worked alongside her husband for much of her life, but Beauty Max was the first business she independently owned,” her family told the outlet in a statement, in part. “We don’t know exactly why she decided to confront the shoplifters, but the store had experienced thefts in the recent past.”
Someone even had the “audacity” to steal from the store the day after Kim’s death, her family added.
According to an owner of beauty supplies in the Jacksonville area, “Kim and hers husband bought the store two years ago and moved to New York, and the area where the store is located is relatively safe, mainly white residential areas except for some Hispanics”